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Forum > Kreativitet > She-

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Hej! Kände för att vara lite kreativ och skrev därför en "berättelse" på några kapitel. Då denna kan vara lite mentalt påfrestande (?) så tog jag i lite och satt PG-13 på den. Hoppas du tycker om den!

Skriven på Engelska

Chapter 1 -

Tryck här för att visa!She closes the door, tears streaming down her face. She slowly sinks down to the floor, where She will stay for a long time. She runs her hands through her long, thick hair while bending her head down towards her knees. Her face is blushed and wet, her deep blue eyes are red and watery, her mind is barely intact anymore and She can’t hear through her strangely loud thoughts.
She’s beautiful, even though She doesn’t realize it herself. She’s even beautiful when She cries.
She tries to get up on her feet, but fails. She falls back to the ground where She stands on all fours, her head bent down and her dark hair slightly touching the floor. She feels dizzy.
She tries one more time; She tries to concentrate, tries to be strong, but fails yet again.
She sits down in front of her mirror that goes almost the entire way from the roof to the floor.
She looks at her red face, her teary eyes and she can almost see how crushed She is inside.
She’s broken.
She lies down and closes her eyes; She daydreams about a better place, a place where She can control herself. A place where these dark thought doesn’t exist, a place where She doesn’t need to be afraid of herself.
She opens her eyes and turns around to lie on her stomach. She puts her arms under her head and rests on them. She investigates her arm from up close, touches the scars, kisses them and reminds herself of what has caused them. Suddenly She gets filled up with a rage; She gets more and more furious.
She tries to calm herself down, She counts to ten like that doctor said once, but nothing works.
“Kill it” She hears someone whisper. She turns around and there he is; the guy in the black suit, or Fred as She likes to call him.
“What?” She asks him even though She clearly heard what he said.
“Kill it.” he says calmly. “You know what, or should I say who, bothers you, but still you do nothing about it. I wonder why that is. Is it fear? Or is it just ignorance?”
“You can’t be serious Fred. You really think it is ignorance? You know that it is illegal to kill people, right?” She answers.
“Oh my dear, but that has never stopped you before, am I right?” he answers. His green eyes pierces through her, it almost hurts. She looks at him, with his black hair neatly combed to a parting, his pale skin glowing almost white and his crooked smile he looks almost attractive… but She knows better than to fall for him because of his charm and his looks.
“That’s nothing to do with this Fred.” She snaps back, crossing her arms and putting her nose up in the air.
He smiles. “Darling, you know it does. You know what you’re capable of, and you are willing to use it, you are just too much of a coward to do so.”
“That’s mental!” She gasps.
“Is it though?” he says. He starts to walk towards her slowly, and when he stands no more than a few centimeters from her face he raises his hand up and carefully lifts a stand of hair out of her face and puts it behind her ear, then he slowly leans forward and whispers “You know you want to do it, my love. Don’t be afraid of yourself; embrace who you truly are instead.”
He leans back again and he smiles because he can see that he’s gotten her to think differently. He has gotten her to think the way he thinks, selfishly and egoistically in my opinion but I guess that depends on who’s judging, because in her eyes he’s unfortunately intelligent.

Chapter 2 -

Tryck här för att visa!She looks at him with admiration. She thinks he’s right, She thinks she should do it.
“Aren’t you a bit stupid now, my friend?”, She hears a voice say. She looks to her right and there is the woman with the ice-blue eyes or ‘Fiona’ if you like.
“What do you mean?” She says.
“Come one now, you don’t seriously think killing will be the solution for this, do you?” Fiona answers while playing with her blonde, almost white, curly hair. Fiona takes a step towards her and the long, light beige dress that Fiona’s wearing flows with her step.
“What else am I to do though?” She asks desperately. She can’t think straight, I can tell.
“Who you need to kill is yourself, not anyone else.”, Fiona answers. Fred gives Fiona a strange look before he says
“But my dear Fiona, committing suicide is just as much killing as murdering another person is.” He grins. He thinks he has won, but everyone in this room knows that Fiona won’t give up that easily.
“That is true Fred, but let me rephrase myself, killing another person will not be the solution for her. She will just end up having to kill another one, and another one… when really, she is the problem, not them.” She looks at Fiona as if She just got stabbed. How could Fiona say something like that? She had trusted Fiona, but now She feels like Fiona has betrayed her. She frowns and you can see her deep blue eyes turn black. She’s spanning every muscle in her body; She is so tense now that a gust of wind could cause her to explode.
“I am the problem you say?” She sound happy while saying this, which makes Fred and Fiona very uncomfortable. Or well, mostly Fiona, because Fred knows that he is going to win this round now.
“Answer me.” She says. Her voice is deep and she talks quietly, almost like a whisper.
“Please, I did not mean any harm…” Fiona stutters.
“That did not answer my question.”, She says, still in a deep voice - almost as if it belonged to a male, and She talks in a playful way, the way She moves and looks at Fiona… She knows that She’s got the power here.
She knows that She is the one that makes the decisions. She knows what She is capable of doing.
“I-I am so very sorry… I did not mean to offend you-“ Fiona doesn’t have time to finish her sentence before we hear a quick ‘snap’.
I can see her body falling to the ground and I can feel her spirit rising to the heavens. Fiona is dead.
She killed her.

Chapter 3 (the final chapter)-
Tryck här för att visa!The silence is deadly.
She is standing with her hands still in mid-air where Fiona’s head once where. Fred does not have the courage to break the silence, at least not after what we just witnessed.
I am staring at her. She is slowly turning back into herself again. Her eyes are going from black to blue, her body is getting more relaxed and her voice gets higher as She mumbles about something I cannot understand. She falls to the ground, She is weak again.
Fred is observing every move She makes, trying to find the right moment to speak, trying to find the right words to say. She realizes this so She says “Just spit it out Fred. No fancy-talk, just tell me what I have to do.”
Fred smiles and I can tell he got a bit chocked, but he quickly pulls out of it. “It’s not quite that easy, I am afraid…” he says. She puts her head in her hands and She cries. “I want to end this Fred. I can’t take it anymore.”, She sobs.
I am wondering how she can still cry when She already has shed so many tears, I think that the eyes should just dry out eventually but obviously they don’t. She is a living example of it.
“The only way to end it is to kill her, dear.” Fred says in a faked sentimental voice.
“Kill her…” She repeats in a whisper. She turns her head and She looks at me. When our eyes meet I suddenly feel so very weak.
She steals my strength, because She is my weakness.
Her blue eyes look sad, and her face seems to be made into a lump of melancholy, duality but also determination.
She knows what she has to do. I start to back up and soon I stand pressed up against the bone-white wall as if I were to be a wallflower. I am scared.
She slowly stands up, she lifts her brown hair out of her face and she looks at me again. She is just as scared as I am, I can tell.
“She… you don’t have to do this you know.” I say and I try to stay as calm as possible, even though my legs are shaking. I can only think of how far my fear has gone when I am even afraid of my own mind. She looks at me and She looks confused.
“Why did you just call me ‘She’?” She says.
“Well, that is your name, you’re in my head, and therefore I also named you.” I answer carefully. She looks baffled. She slowly takes a step towards me as she says
“I’m in your head..?” It feels like her eyes are scanning me, investigating every little move I make.
“You only exist in my head. You are me, but… inside of my head. Whatever it is that you do in my mind, I do in real life.” I answer her, and suddenly I realize how mental that sounds. I am acting out the things my thoughts want me to…
“What do you mean?” She asks, She sounds desperate.
“I… I don’t know, I can’t help it! It is as if you control me and I can do nothing about it!” I scream, tears have now started streaming down my face. I have never before realized that I have killed so many people, only because She killed them. “Well, darling, isn’t it clear now what you have to do?” Fred says as he walks up to stand next to She.
She looks at him with tears in her eyes. She knows that he’s right, I am a danger to everyone around me and I need to be destroyed.
She walks up to me, looks me in the eyes and we both just stand there, crying.
She slowly puts her hand on the side of my face, then she raises her other hand and puts it on the other side of my face. “I am so sorry…” She says slowly. She takes a deep breath, I look at her beautiful face one last time and then I hear a ‘snap’.
She sees my empty body fall to the ground. I am dead. She falls to the ground, crying. She turns around to look at Fred, but he is gone. Everything in the room is gone.
She is sitting in something that appears to be a white, empty box.
She tries to get up but realizes that She has no legs. She is dissolving; soon she has no stomach, no arms, nothing.
She is gone, just like I am.
Only air is left. Only emptiness and space.
We are no longer a danger to the people around us, we are harmless. We are non-existent.
We are nothing.

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23 dec, 2012 01:57

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2013-01- 2 kl. 03:01
Antal ändringar: 3



åh vad spännande, skriv mer!
hade du kunnat läsa igenom min novell också? du verkar ha rätt bra engelska-kunskaper och jag hade gärna tagit emot lite kritik på min! HÄR har du en länk om du är intresserad!

Btw jag gillar hur inledde nästan varje mening med ''she'' för att förmedla känsla!

23 dec, 2012 22:41



Skrivet av Borttagen:
åh vad spännande, skriv mer!
hade du kunnat läsa igenom min novell också? du verkar ha rätt bra engelska-kunskaper och jag hade gärna tagit emot lite kritik på min! HÄR har du en länk om du är intresserad!

Btw jag gillar hur inledde nästan varje mening med ''she'' för att förmedla känsla!

Tack så mycket! ska kolla in din!
Du kommer få veta mer om varför jag använder "She" så mycket senare, då det i den här berättelsen kan värka 'fel' då jag använder det på ett rätt så udda sätt.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F12232616%2Ftumblr_lonplzulDM1qczbm0o1_500_large.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F27.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lq5usgFffW1qckbr7o8_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F30.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lq5usgFffW1qckbr7o1_250.gif

24 dec, 2012 00:10



Skrivet av Anapneo:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
åh vad spännande, skriv mer!
hade du kunnat läsa igenom min novell också? du verkar ha rätt bra engelska-kunskaper och jag hade gärna tagit emot lite kritik på min! HÄR har du en länk om du är intresserad!

Btw jag gillar hur inledde nästan varje mening med ''she'' för att förmedla känsla!

Tack så mycket! ska kolla in din!
Du kommer få veta mer om varför jag använder "She" så mycket senare, då det i den här berättelsen kan värka 'fel' då jag använder det på ett rätt så udda sätt.

haha jag tänkte så först också men sen fattade jag att du gjorde det av en anledning

24 dec, 2012 12:09



Alla 3 kapitel är ute nu!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F12232616%2Ftumblr_lonplzulDM1qczbm0o1_500_large.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F27.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lq5usgFffW1qckbr7o8_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F30.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lq5usgFffW1qckbr7o1_250.gif

2 jan, 2013 03:01




https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fchicagomaroon.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F02%2FDowntonAbbey.jpg https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.fanpop.com%2Fimages%2Fimage_uploads%2FHarry-Potterh-harry-potter-67957_1024_768.jpg

2 jan, 2013 10:59




Skrivet av Maj:


https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F12232616%2Ftumblr_lonplzulDM1qczbm0o1_500_large.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F27.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lq5usgFffW1qckbr7o8_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F30.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lq5usgFffW1qckbr7o1_250.gif

2 jan, 2013 11:12

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