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Min horror story

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Gjorde den här på engelskan :
An unusual dinner
On a windy afternoon in London the doorbell clangs shrilly in a petite apartment. A man walks towards the door, being rather annoyed that the doorbell made his newly bought dog wake up, who is impossible to put back to sleep. His thoughts were far away, he is considering putting his dog up for adoption, because he cannot stand the dogs constant whining. He opened the door to a young black woman who seems eager to come in. “Down, down Max” the man sputters to the dog that was jumping on the arriving guest. “Oh Charles it’s okay, it does not bother me” the woman named Angelina states friendly. Charles took Angelina’s trench coat and greeted her, but he did so quite coldly. He was thinking that if Angelina had not been so keen about getting him a dog, he would not be in this position in the first place. The two of them went into the old fashioned styled dining room and the atmosphere was tense. Charles consider his dining room to be the most beautiful part of his flat, that is most due to the point that he is extremely proud of his carpet that he has had imported from Italy. Charles excused himself and walked toward the kitchen to prepare the first course. With meticulous precision he laid the tuna on the plates. When he entered the dining room he noticed that Angelina had seated already, without his permission, and that made him irritated. He served the first course and they ate in silent. Then Charles saw something that made him furious, his dog was peeing on his Italy-imported carpet. He yelled and punched the dog causing Angelina to fall out of her chair out of fright. “Charles, it is just a puppy, he cannot help himself” she said with a worried tone in her voice. He ignored her, took Max in a firm grip and brought him to the kitchen. Charles knew that he had to punish the dog severely and considered throwing it through the window. After thinking his plan over he realise that that solution would only punish the dog and he wanted to punish Angelina as well because he thought that it was her fault that he owns the horrible dog. He came up with in his opinion a bullet proof plan. He picked up the little dog, putted his arms around the tiny neck and suffocated it. He continued to press his hands against the dog’s neck until its body were motionless and limp. At first he felt a bit guilty but after a while he felt rather proud about his deed. Charles butchered the dog with a sharp knife and laid the meat carefully in a pot and started to cook it. He fried some chips in his large fryer. He prepared the meal on two plates and brought them in to the dining room, leaving the dogs head behind on the kitchen counter. Angelina gave a forced smile when she was served the meal and started to eat. Charles was not touching his meal, but was merely watching Angelina eat. When she ate the first mouthful she got an odd expression on her face. “What is this meat? It tastes like something I have never tasted before.” She said. “Oh, I can assure you that you have not eaten this before, it is a very special meat” Charles responded with a sinister smile. Angelina seemed confused but did not bring the question any further. Charles could tell that Angelina was suspicions when he was not touching his food, so he ate and was surprised of the satisfaction he felt by doing so. Suddenly Angelina rose from her seat and walked toward the kitchen. “I have to get a glass of water” she explained. Charles was to slow out of his chair to stop her from entering the kitchen. She screamed loudly when she discovered the bloody dog head on the counter. “What have you done? Did you kill your dog...did you...oh my god...did you serve it...how could you? What is the matter with you, I am going to report this be sure of that!” Angelina screamed with a devastated voice. She started to trot against the door when Charles grabbed her arm harshly. “What are you doing, let go of me” she said with a scared voice. Charles did not let go, he grabbed her other arm even tighter and pressed her head towards the sink which was water filled. Angelina started to scream and plead. Charles did not budge, instead he started to press her head under water. Angelina did not scream any more but her whole body was struggling to get free. The only thing you could hear was bubbling noises. Charles used his whole body strength to keep Angelina under the water and after a couple of minutes her body was moving no more. Charles lay down Angelina’s pale corpse on the kitchen floor. He was surprised to see how fast the colouring had disappeared from her face. He was coming to realise the impact of his actions but he was not feeling sad because of Angelina and the dog’s death, he was pleased, he felt that he had accomplished something. He started to wonder where he should hide the corps and he decided to bury it outside his apartment. He was thinking that no one could blame him for it because there were a lot of people living in the building. Feeling overconfident about his plan he started to move the body. Almost instantly when he was about to move the body he could hear someone knocking on the front door. He quickly covered the body with a table cloth. He calmly went to the door and opened it up to two officers. “We have received complains about turbulence from this apartment and we wanted to check it out.” One of the officers said. The officers went in to the apartment and searched it. Now Charles knew that he was going to be caught so he handed himself in voluntarily and showed the policemen the corps. Even though he got caught Charles did not regret his actions.

våran uppgift var att göra en annan version av Edgar Allan Poes historia "the black cat"


25 okt, 2011 14:35

Isse Weasly



"To be, or not to be..." -William Shakespear https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F_B5GIG078YFU%2FTGxXg15Z65I%2FAAAAAAAAA3Y%2F2QLuuoeNjt0%2Fs1600%2Fhamlet48.jpg

23 feb, 2013 20:33

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