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spöknovell - Behind you

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En gammal novell jag hittade som låg och skräpade i ett övergivet hörn i datorn, så jag tänkte "varför inte posta den?" den var en skoluppgift som fick vara max två a-4, så den kanske går lite snabbt, men jag tyckte den blev ganska läskig anyway, enjoy!

I walked down the path of the haunted house’s garden. My friends, scared and unwilling to follow, came slowly afterwards. The house, once a mental hospital, stood lonely and abandoned, gathering dust, hovering just above the city where I have lived so far.
Suddenly, I noticed that my friends footsteps had stopped. I turned around, only to find them standing about ten feet away. They looked scared, unwilling, disbelieving. I tried to smile to them, tried to give them a sense of comfort. But judging from their faces, I didn’t succeed very well.
“Come on, guys. You promised me, remember? A trip to the haunted house.” They looked at each other, and then back at me. Much to my surprise, they smiled.
“Yes, we did. And here we are. Now let’s go back!” I looked at them. They weren’t about to change. Then I got the idea. What if….
I slowly walked up to them. They looked happy that I was convinced.
“So”, I said, “you don’t want to come with me to the house? Well, that’s too bad. But what if…” I said as I quickly pulled the backpack off Gregory’s shoulder. It contained all of our keys, cell phones, and money. And just as quickly, I hurled it through the window at the second floor (yes, I am quite strong).
“…What if that was your ticket home?” They looked angry, then horrified as they realized what that meant.
“Scarlet! Now we have to go inside!” I smiled at them.
“My plan in a nutshell. Now, come on, before it gets any darker.” Convinced by this argument, they finally joined me as we walked up to the front porch of the house.

I pushed the door open without a second thought. It opened with a creak and a smell of mould and dust. Inside, it was dark and damp. Feeling the cool air against my skin, I walked inside the hallway completely, feeling rather than seeing my friends joining me. I slowly pulled my finger over the wall, and shivered at the contact with the cold, slightly wet stone.
I was losing my courage; the atmosphere of this house scared me, leaving me feeling as scared and small as the others.
Jim broke the spell as he said “come on, let’s just get going. The backpack should be in the third room to the left, according to my calculations.”
“Jim, you can’t count, and you very well know that.” Gregory’s voice was spiked with humour, making me smile. The house suddenly felt warmer, more welcoming.
“Okay”, I said, “Let’s do this.”

We slowly walked to the stairs, moving through rooms that were filled with gadgets not known to people my age. And, looking at them, I thought that I didn’t want to know, either. I knew that this had been the home of many sick people, but I had never imagined that those things you saw in the scary movies actually were used. I shivered, and quickened the pace.

Finally, we came to the room with the staircase. I drew a sigh of relief when I saw the big marble steps slowly disappearing into the darkness. “Okay guys, let’s go!” I said loudly, still a bit afraid.
“Okey- dokey”, it came from Jim. But from Gregory, I heard nothing. “Gregory?” I called. No answer. ”Gregory?” I repeated. I started to get worried. What more was, I started to get afraid. Real afraid.
“Greg!” I yelled. But he was nowhere to be seen. I instantly turned around to go back – and felt an arm just above my elbow. I screamed – and got another hand above my mouth.
“Schh!” Jim whispered. “Don’t scream. It’ll hear us.” I wriggled free.
“But Greg… He’s….” Jim looked uncomfortable. “I know. But once we get the backpack back, we’ll be able to search for him. We have torches in it, remember?” I nodded, slowly and manically. I didn’t want to go on – but did we have a choice?

We walked up the staircase. It wasn’t like the creaking door – this was stone. Soft, smooth and cold, it brought our trembling feet to the next floor.
We finally came up the staircase. Now we had to choose; left or right. I stopped – I didn’t remember.
“Left” Jim whispered quietly. I nodded, and we, once more, started walking.
It felt like we walked forever. I quietly counted the doors – one, two three, four, five… After a while, we came to a place where, on the wall, a photograph hung. I walked closer, and felt an electric chill run down my spine – it was Gregory in the photograph. “Hey, Jim, look at this”, I said as I turned around. But there was no Jim there – only silence, darkness and I.
“Jim!” I whispered. I was too afraid to raise my voice any more – and I knew it wasn’t going to help. He wouldn’t hear me. He wasn’t in my reach any more.
Then I remembered what he’d said: “the backpack. We have torches in it, remember?” I realized that was what I needed – to get the backpack. I went inside the room closest by the photograph. It was empty; the only thing there was a mirror. The window was open, though, and in the faint moonlight I suddenly got an urge to see my reflection. I walked up to the mirror – and there I was. Deathly pale, with dark circles under my eyes. I sighed. At least I was myself.
But then it happened. Without me moving, my reflection suddenly opened her mouth, and raised her arms. I watched, terrified and fascinated as my reflection mouthed two words. But I didn’t see what it was, so I leant in closer. My breath fogged up the glass as I came closer. Once I was as close I could, my nose almost pressed to the glass, I looked at my reflection once more. She mouthed the words again, and this time it was painfully clear.
Behind you.

Jim stumbled into the room. It was the third, as he had counted.
“We made it”, he said, relieved. But when he got no response, he looked around, confused. “Scarlet?” But the room was empty, except for two things. Himself – and the backpack, lying there on the floor. He quickly ran to it, picked it up, and took out a phone. He dialed 911, and impatiently waited. When the police finally picked up, he wasted no time for chit – chat. “We’re trapped in the old mental house at the top of the hill!” He yelled.
The polices promised they’d be there “As soon as possible.” Jim hung up, and sighed relieved. He picked up a torch – and then hesitated. He knew that if he walked out now, nothing would hurt him. But then he would never see his friends. Now, he had a choice.
He didn’t think twice. He picked up the bag, and quickly walked out of the room in search of his friends. He did not notice the paper that was tucked under it, the paper with only two words on it.
Behind you.

The police arrived ten minutes later. They walked up the path to the house, and made their way to the door. But there they stopped, because they saw the strangest thing – three dolls, sitting on a backpack on the front steps. They were very skilled modeled, but they all had an expression of deep fear on their faces. And, lastly, the strangest thing: they all held small notes neatly folded in their hands. The police picked them up, and read the notes. They all said the same thing.
Behind you.

The end

You don't have to call me sir, professor

5 sep, 2011 21:33



Den var bra!!!


5 sep, 2011 23:45

Luna 1


Den var underbar.. kan man säga så om en skräckis? den var bra, iaf!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi47.tinypic.com%2F3150hg5.gif Tumblr.

7 sep, 2011 17:43



Den var bra skriven, rätt spännande.

7 sep, 2011 20:50



haha tack :3

You don't have to call me sir, professor

10 sep, 2011 00:59



Den var riktigt bra! Älskade att läsa den och den gav mig inspiration att fortsätta på min bok!

10 sep, 2011 14:03




26 jan, 2013 16:03



Super. O.O

.https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F54ffmJa.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FXP6PXDm.gif.

26 jan, 2013 16:05

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