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Skrivet av kanelpumpa:

Nordanhym: HAHAHA, älskar dessa Katt-GIFS with a passion! Jag och MagiCat har utsett vinnaren men vi måste bara ta tag i att presentera denne! SNART på väg! LOVAR PÅ HEDER OCH SAMVETE!

Tänkte att jag måste ju få bjuda till lite när jag ändå lägger upp ett inlägg



19 nov, 2016 16:18

Matilda weasley *


Skrivet av fearless:
Någon här som har en bookstagram? Skulle vara kul att följa

Jag vill starta en bookstagram men jag tror att jag vill vänta tills jag får nya bokhyllor

Jag är jag, det är inte du :P https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2F57e8999c49956bb29eebe70931704396%2Ftumblr_o7ow9t5suP1uusboho1_500.gif

19 nov, 2016 22:04




RESULTAT: Höstnovell


Nu har vi haft en enastående lässtund då vi läst igenom era fantastiska bidrag! Det var dock ett bidrag som stod ut i mängden och den som skrivit det bidraget kommer få titeln novellmästare 2016.

Innan vinnaren presenteras vill vi tacka alla som skickade in sina bidrag, det har verkligen varit ett sant nöje att läsa.

Nu till juryns motivering av vinnaren:
"Bidraget som vi utsett som vinnare var av hög språklig kvalité. Innehållet var fantasirikt och mycket spännande."

OCH VINNAREN ÄR... *trumvirvel*




21 nov, 2016 18:50




Skrivet av MagiCat:
RESULTAT: Höstnovell


Nu har vi haft en enastående lässtund då vi läst igenom era fantastiska bidrag! Det var dock ett bidrag som stod ut i mängden och den som skrivit det bidraget kommer få titeln novellmästare 2016.

Innan vinnaren presenteras vill vi tacka alla som skickade in sina bidrag, det har verkligen varit ett sant nöje att läsa.

Nu till juryns motivering av vinnaren:
"Bidraget som vi utsett som vinnare var av hög språklig kvalité. Innehållet var fantasirikt och mycket spännande."

OCH VINNAREN ÄR... *trumvirvel*



Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga! :'D TACK SÅ MYCKET!
Åh jisses, är helt mållös här borta, trodde inte jag skulle vinna... Inte när jag såg hur många som var med och vissa vet jag är fantastiska skribenter!

TACK ännu en gång för att ni utsedde just min novell till den som tilltalade er både språkligt, fantasimässigt och inom spänning! Tack, tack, tack!

MagiCat & kanelpumpa, kan jag lägga upp mitt bidrag här i forumet ifall någon vill läsa det? ^^


21 nov, 2016 22:10



Skrivet av Nordanhym:
Skrivet av MagiCat:
RESULTAT: Höstnovell


Nu har vi haft en enastående lässtund då vi läst igenom era fantastiska bidrag! Det var dock ett bidrag som stod ut i mängden och den som skrivit det bidraget kommer få titeln novellmästare 2016.

Innan vinnaren presenteras vill vi tacka alla som skickade in sina bidrag, det har verkligen varit ett sant nöje att läsa.

Nu till juryns motivering av vinnaren:
"Bidraget som vi utsett som vinnare var av hög språklig kvalité. Innehållet var fantasirikt och mycket spännande."

OCH VINNAREN ÄR... *trumvirvel*



Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga! :'D TACK SÅ MYCKET!
Åh jisses, är helt mållös här borta, trodde inte jag skulle vinna... Inte när jag såg hur många som var med och vissa vet jag är fantastiska skribenter!

TACK ännu en gång för att ni utsedde just min novell till den som tilltalade er både språkligt, fantasimässigt och inom spänning! Tack, tack, tack!

MagiCat & kanelpumpa, kan jag lägga upp mitt bidrag här i forumet ifall någon vill läsa det? ^^

Du skojar. Det är inte alls konstigt att du van.
Har läst en del av dina FFs... Fast jag har ju inte läst andras.
Men du har en förmåga att skriva.
Jag kan bara läsa. Blir alltid fett stelt när jag skriver.

Varför stava rätt när man kan stava fel?

22 nov, 2016 19:55



Skrivet av Tonks/Luna:
Tryck här för att visa!
Skrivet av Nordanhym:
Skrivet av MagiCat:
RESULTAT: Höstnovell


Nu har vi haft en enastående lässtund då vi läst igenom era fantastiska bidrag! Det var dock ett bidrag som stod ut i mängden och den som skrivit det bidraget kommer få titeln novellmästare 2016.

Innan vinnaren presenteras vill vi tacka alla som skickade in sina bidrag, det har verkligen varit ett sant nöje att läsa.

Nu till juryns motivering av vinnaren:
"Bidraget som vi utsett som vinnare var av hög språklig kvalité. Innehållet var fantasirikt och mycket spännande."

OCH VINNAREN ÄR... *trumvirvel*



Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga! :'D TACK SÅ MYCKET!
Åh jisses, är helt mållös här borta, trodde inte jag skulle vinna... Inte när jag såg hur många som var med och vissa vet jag är fantastiska skribenter!

TACK ännu en gång för att ni utsedde just min novell till den som tilltalade er både språkligt, fantasimässigt och inom spänning! Tack, tack, tack!

MagiCat & kanelpumpa, kan jag lägga upp mitt bidrag här i forumet ifall någon vill läsa det? ^^

Du skojar. Det är inte alls konstigt att du van.
Har läst en del av dina FFs... Fast jag har ju inte läst andras.
Men du har en förmåga att skriva.
Jag kan bara läsa. Blir alltid fett stelt när jag skriver.

Jag skojar verkligen inte, blir alltid alldeles rörd när någon tycker om mitt författande... O.O
Tack så mycket för de fina orden, önskar min förmåga var tillräckligt bra för att kunna bli författare på heltid men men, skam den som ger sig. ^^
Tror det är något man lär sig med mycket övning, vissa behöver mer än andra bara Läsa är ett väldigt bra sätta att förbättra sitt egna sätt att skriva


22 nov, 2016 23:29




Skrivet av Nordanhym:
Skrivet av MagiCat:
RESULTAT: Höstnovell


Nu har vi haft en enastående lässtund då vi läst igenom era fantastiska bidrag! Det var dock ett bidrag som stod ut i mängden och den som skrivit det bidraget kommer få titeln novellmästare 2016.

Innan vinnaren presenteras vill vi tacka alla som skickade in sina bidrag, det har verkligen varit ett sant nöje att läsa.

Nu till juryns motivering av vinnaren:
"Bidraget som vi utsett som vinnare var av hög språklig kvalité. Innehållet var fantasirikt och mycket spännande."

OCH VINNAREN ÄR... *trumvirvel*



Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga! :'D TACK SÅ MYCKET!
Åh jisses, är helt mållös här borta, trodde inte jag skulle vinna... Inte när jag såg hur många som var med och vissa vet jag är fantastiska skribenter!

TACK ännu en gång för att ni utsedde just min novell till den som tilltalade er både språkligt, fantasimässigt och inom spänning! Tack, tack, tack!

MagiCat & kanelpumpa, kan jag lägga upp mitt bidrag här i forumet ifall någon vill läsa det? ^^

Stooooooort grattis!! Självklart kan du lägga upp bidraget här! Det vore roligt om andra också fick chansen att läsa det!
Tack för att du deltog i tävligen!


23 nov, 2016 15:50




Här är mitt bidrag till Hötsnovell tävlingen som även är det vinnande bidraget!
Vill passa på att tacka ännu en gång för att ni tyckte om mitt bidrag så pass mycket att ni ansåg det värdigt den vinnande platsen! Hoppas ni som läser det nu finner det vara intressant läsning!

Tryck här för att visa!
Wattpad link here.

The Darkness Within

The candle flames swayed as she opened the door to the attic where the others were gathered. They were sitting around a small table, if you could call it that. It was a piece of wood placed on top of a cardboard box.
“Minna, hurry up!” Erica said with a raised but still hushed voice,
“I’m coming, I’m coming… Took some time to convince my grandma that we were doing a school project.” Minna sat down between Erica and Alexander, who smiled at her.
“Okay, let’s get this started.” Gabriel said as he smiled wickedly. His face looking haunted from the candle light. “Do you have everything?” Minna nodded and opened her bag.

There was a candle made from black wax, a silver dagger embroidered with red rubies, a glass jar filled with sheep blood, three red crystals and a piece of string made from horse hair.
“Awesome…” Gabriel mumbled and he then sat it all out on the table before grabbing the book Minna held out to him. He took it and turned it to page 394, To call upon the Moon it said at the top in red ink and below it were scribbled letters of a Dark Curse.
“Are you sure about this?” Alexander asked Gabriel with a concerned look on his otherwise handsome face. Gabriel nodded,
“This is going to be awesome, I’ve always wanted to see if magic really works and since Minna here seems to have such a superstitious grandma I hope there is some truth to it.”

Minna felt unsure, even scared. Her grandmother was indeed very sure that magic was real and that it could be used for terrible things. They did live in a house with salt on the windowsills, little voodoo dolls laying around here and there and above every entrance there hanged a big chunk of dried herbs. Minna had however never believed in it as her grandmother did, but she did believe, didn’t she?

“Okay, here Minna, read this when I tell you to.” Gabriel said, Minna nodded slowly and stood up with the book in her hands. Outside the wind was howling and a tree branch hit the window over and over again. Gabriel lit the candle, put the crystals, string, and blood in a bowl made of grey stone, placing the knife on top of the bowl and then they all clasped hands leaving Erica with one hand on Minnas left leg and Alexander with one hand on her other leg.
“Okay Minna, now. Read it loud.” Minna let out a breath of air before she steadied herself.

“Black as a raven, Cold as a winter storm, Loud as the crying wolf, Hard as solid rock, Dark as the midwinter night. Hear me, hear me lord of the Darkness. Hear me and rise once more. Hear me and howl against the moons light. Hear me and rise from the inner circle. Heed my words and rise! Hear my call and rise from the ashes! As nature is love and life is dead, hear my cry, hear my calling for you! Rise, Rise!” Minna cried out, her legs giving in, the wind screaming and the flames going out, all but one. All but the black wax candle with its blue flame. Then, nothing.

One Year Later…

“Oy, Minna, hold up!” Alexander called when she was leaving the school.
“Oh, hey Alexander.” He smiled at her and she smiled back. They started to walk home, discussing the new toupee their maths teacher had gotten. It was a chilly October afternoon and the wind was picking up speed.
“Wow, look,” Alexander pointed towards the sky. Minna looked up. There was the moon, plainly visible next to the sun.
“Hmm, that’s weird. It shouldn’t be like that.”
“Ah, don’t worry so much Minna. It’s pretty.”

But Minna couldn’t help but worry and wonder.
“You know, it’s been a year today…” Alexander said with a grim face. Minna stopped dead in her tracks. Had it already been a year?
“Sorry… I know we shouldn’t talk about it…” Alexander was apologetic as he grabbed her hand. He pulled Minna into a warm hug. It made her relax, and protected her from the October wind.
“One year... “ Minna sighed, “you know, sometimes I wonder, if-”
“Don’t say it, just don’t.” but Minna wanted to, she wanted to talk about it, and Alexander was one of only two people she could talk about it with. But she didn’t. She stayed quiet.

“Wanna watch a movie?” Alexander asked as he flipped down the lid of his laptop, Minna looked up from hers,
“Yeah, sure.” she closed her laptop as well while Alexander turned on the PS4 and put on Sleepy Hollow, one of their favorites. It didn’t take long until Minna was tightly snuggled under Alexanders arm. She had never been much for horror movies, but, she loved everything with the Johnny Depp. Alexander kissed her head and she snuggled in tighter.

Minna woke up, it was dark, her phone was ringing.
“Finally, where are you guys? We were supposed to meet up twenty minutes ago!” Minna quickly checked the time on her phone,
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry, we fell asleep, we’re coming!”
“Hurry, it’s freaking dark…” They hung up and Minna shock life into Alexander.
“We gotta go, Erica is waiting for us.” Alexander yawned and they both hurriedly dressed.

“Grandma, we’re heading out to meet Erica!” Minna called out as they were putting shoes and coats on.
“You shouldn’t.” Her grandmother stood in the doorway to the kitchen.
“Why-” Minna looked up, in her grandmothers arms was the book. That, book.
“Grandma, where did you..?” Her grandmother looked her dead in the eye.
“You shouldn’t go out. You should stay here, inside the protections.” Her grandmother's voice was different, it was low.
“Grandma, where did you find that?” Minna could feel a cold slither in, filling her from the inside.
“Minna, come on, we gotta go.” Alexander grabbed her arm and the next thing she knew they were outside on the porch.
“Come on, she’s waiting.” Alexander dragged Minna away and his fast tempo kept her from thinking, she had to focus on where she put her own feet.

But it wasn’t enough to keep her from noticing things. The dark red colour of the moon, the freezing wind, the pitch black sky. The empty streets. They slowed down.
“Where is she?” Alexander looked around, as did Minna. They couldn’t see Erica anywhere.
“It’s here, isn’t it?”
“Yeah yeah, it’s right here, where the fuck is she?” Alexander was looking around, Minna sat down on the bench by the old buss stop. She was thinking about her grandmother, holding the book. That, book… It gave her shills. A howling was heard.
“What was that?” Minna shrieked out to Alexander.
“It’s just kids playing around, it’s Halloween after all.” Minna relaxed a bit,
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Time passed by, but they couldn’t find Erica and she didn’t come to where they were supposed to meet. Minna tried to call her but she didn’t pick up the phone.
“Hey, Alexander!” she called out, he had gone to search in the nearby bushes for their friend.
“Alexander!” she called again but there was no answer, “that’s strange… Where did he go?” Minna looked around, staying safely in the light from the street lamp, separating her from the pitch black night. She had a bad feeling, another howl was heard. It was closer this time, too close.
“Come on Alexander, this isn’t funny!” she called out, a rustling of leaves right in front of her was heard.
“A-alexander..?” she stuttered as she held her phone close to her heaving chest.

There was no answer. The leaves rustled again and a growling was heard, it was the kind of sound that got you into flight or fight mode instantly. It wasn’t a dog, or a wolf, it was too deep and too dark to be anything small like that.
“Minna…” a voice drawled her name out, it came from behind her. She spun around. There, on the other side of the road was a figure. Clad in black, purple eyes shined in the shadow of its hood and long black claws was gleaming in the moonlight.
“Minna…” it breathed once more. The voice was familiar but so foreign at the same time to her.

“Minna…” her pulse was raising, “thank… you…” she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t move.
“Minna, thank, you…” the howling was back,
“Who… Who are you?” Minna stuttered, she needed to run, she had to run!
“I’m, I’m, who you set free…” The voice was so dark, so none-human but yet so familiar. It was driving Minna insane. She knew she had to run, she had to run, now, before it was too late!

Her feet pounded the ground, all around her was fallen leaves, lit up pumpkins and darkness. She couldn’t see far but she could feel the creature following her. She ran faster and faster, the blood pumping ferociously in her veins.
“Minna…” the voice whispered behind her, howling broke out. Minna stopped, the road was blocked. In front of her were two wolves, but, they were walking on their hind legs. Minnas eyes were wide open, she couldn’t breath. It was werewolfs and something was familiar about them...

Then she saw it. A flower earring hanging in one werewolfs ear, a piece of red string around the other ones wrist. Minna shook her head,
“It can’t be!” but she knew it was, it was Erica and Alexander standing there before her. As werewolves. Everything was starting to spin around, she could smell blood in the air. A hand was put on her shoulders with long gleaming claws.
“GET AWAY!” she screamed in fear trying to hit the creature behind her. Then it hit her, she knew that voice. It was Gabriel…
“G-gabriel?!” the creature laughed,
“I was, once, but you released me from my human bonds. You opened up and let me step forward.” The creature laughed so darkly that it made the wind sound warm.
“Now, Minna, let me show you - what I can do!”

Howling, screaming, running, hiding, jumping, crying, fear. Minna was almost there, she was almost home. Almost. But how could she just run? It was her fault that Gabriel was turned into a monster, her fault that her boyfriend and best friend was turned into werewolves by the monster she released.
“It’s all my fault, if I hadn’t gotten that book, if I had talked to Grandma, if I would have known that Gabriel was turned into a monster - that he didn’t just disappear a year ago… I can’t just run. It’s all my fault!” Tears ran down her cheeks, Halloween used to be her favourite holiday, but not anymore. Too much was too real, the darkness, the bridge between reality and the world of magic too short.

“Minna, you can’t fight me…” Gabriel said, in his claw clad hand was a dagger of silver embroidered with red rubies. Minna recognized it, it belonged to her grandmother, but how did Gabriel get it? He came closer to her, the knife gleaming as his claws.
“Minna, you can’t stop me…” he snickered out into the night. Gabriel raised the knife, she was going to die…
“Not, yet…” she mumbled. There was a struggle, Minna got the knife and she thrusted it into the heart of the monster Gabriel. They screamed.

Minna sank to the ground, in her hand was the bloodstained knife but she was no longer outside. She was standing in the attic where they all had stood so long ago. In front of her was the table with all the things they had placed there last year. The black candle still gleaming in the darkness, it’s flame blue and strong.
“I, I feel…” Minna looked down. The dagger was bloody, her hands were bloody but the blood did not come from any creature, it came, from her own chest. Minna laughed,
“It was all me…” she fell to the ground and with a wicked smile she swore that one day she would come back to haunt the three people who did this to her. One day, she would come back. The candle swayed and as the human Minna died, so did the flame of the candle...


23 nov, 2016 16:15



hänger på!


24 nov, 2016 16:53



Hej! Jag skulle gärna vilja vara med!


25 nov, 2016 09:44

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