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What hurts more than when someone forgets? {Eng} PG

Forum > Kreativitet > What hurts more than when someone forgets? {Eng} PG

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Yey, nytt kapitel!Och det var helt grymt!!!

29 aug, 2012 22:21



Grymt ja!! Jag fattar inte hur du kan skriva så bra!!

Jääääätttteebra kapitel och det gör inget att vi fick vänta, det var det värt

29 aug, 2012 22:40



Helt grymt! Längtar efter en fortsättning så mani nte tappar fästet! ♥ :O

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

30 aug, 2012 16:15



Ledsen för att jag nästan aldrig uppdaterar! Jag tänker alltid på idéer som kommer senare i novellen och jag skriver oftast ner dem... men så är det den här grejen att skriva det som händer i Chloe och Erics liv nu också... hehe. Jag ska försöka bli bättre men jag kan inget lova!

As I watch her walk away I think, ‘What just happened?’ I actually just talked to her. I never talk to people. And she said thank you… She even seemed a little embarrassed about hallucinating! I didn’t think it was possible for her to blush to be honest. I start walking towards the bathrooms. There is no way I’ll change in the changing rooms. Everyone will just take the opportunity, when there’s nobody around, to punch me in the face or something. Well… they’ll do it anyway but if there is a chance I might not be punched today I’ll take it.
When I’ve changed I quickly make my way to the sports hall. People are standing in a circle around the teacher. I search for Chloe as I quietly join them. She’s not here. That’s strange. I look around and find her sitting with her arms and legs crossed in a corner. She looks extremely pissed. I realize that Ms. Loreen probably wouldn’t let her join the class because of her injury. Would explain the sour look on her face.
“Today we’re going to play basketball.” She says loudly. I look at Chloe and see that she doesn’t look all that disappointed anymore. So she doesn’t like basketball then.
Ms. Loreen quickly goes over the rules of basketball and pretty soon she’s divided us up in teams. I hate sports, but at least in team sports like basketball and soccer I can pretend that I’m trying by running after the ball, even though nobody would actually be stupid enough to pass me the ball if they had a chance to score.
“You, play defense.” Someone says without giving me a look. I don’t answer. Truth is I honestly don’t understand what kind of position defense is. To me it seems like they’re mainly trying to get me out of the way. Well I guess that it’s a whole lot more to it when you’re playing an actual game… but at the moment it doesn’t seem like I do much.
The game starts like usual. Everyone else is doing the hard work and I’m mainly trying to understand which team is winning. I run after the ball, making sure I don’t get in the way of my own team. But after a few minutes it doesn’t feel like a P.E. lesson anymore. People are yelling at each other and Ms. Loreen actually has to take one boy to the nurse because someone ‘accidentally’ bumped into him so that he twisted his ankle in some way. Geez. It’s just a game. It’s not like they’re getting paid to play so why are they swearing at each other like their life depends on it?
“Eric!” I look up surprised, and almost fail to catch the basketball aimed at me. What the hell!?
“C’mon shoot!”
“Throw the damn ball!” People are surrounding me and most of them look pretty pissed. It’s obvious that they did not want me to get the ball. Nobody from my team is free, and everyone is yelling at me to score. A crap.
I shoot
And miss.
“Oh, c’mon!”
“Seriously, how did you screw that up?”
“Who decided to pass the ball to him?” Okay, okay. I get it I suck. Leave me the fuck alone. Suddenly someone shoves me in the chest.
“I was free! If you know you can’t score why didn’t you pass it to someone?” It’s Jonathan. He plays basketball a lot during his week. At least three times in one week, so to him losing a game to the other team a huge loss. Which seems to be what I just made us do.
“Sorry. I didn’t see you.”
“I was behind you! You gotta look around!” he says angrily.
“Oi! Don’t blame him.” The voice makes everyone turn around. It’s Chloe. Standing up for me… again.
“Stay out of this.” Jonathan mutters.
“Just move on! It’s not like you’re going to die just because you lost.”
“It was such an easy shot! And besides I was free, he could have passed the ball. It’s called teamwork.”
“Oh yeah, because you seem to be such an expert on teamwork.” She snaps back.
“Far better than him at least.” Jonathan says and points at me.
“Yeah right, I hardly think so. You didn’t even let him know where you were!” Chloe is raising her voice now and I’m getting extremely uncomfortable.
“I shouldn’t have had to! You gotta look around.”
“Yeah, yeah… you already said that. But honestly I don’t agree. I think that you gotta let people know where to look. Otherwise I don’t understand how you can expect to get the ball!” I could see Jonathan getting extremely annoyed and I could also tell that Ms. Loreen was trying to figure out a way to stop this.
“Shut up, stupid bitch!”
“Okay, Jonathan that is not a way to talk to-”
“When your arguments fail you usually try to find something that will insult the other person, that way you don’t need any valid arguments. You just need a good list of insults ready. Of course that’s just to mask insecurity.”
Geez! How does she think of her answers so fast? Jonathan just stands there, obviously trying to figure out a good reply to that- without simply giving her an insult. He, needless to say, does not succeed.
“Whatever!” he says. And then he walks away.
“Class dismissed.” Ms. Loreen says. People start walking away not really sure of what they’re supposed to do or say. Neither am I. Pretty soon there’s only me and Chloe left in the sports hall.
“Um…” I’m about to say thank you, but before I can she sits down on a bench and leans back. She has an irritated expression on her face and I wonder if it’s because of me. “You okay?”
“Yeah… dammit…” I take a few steps closer to her.
“You sure?”
“It’s just a headache.” Well that’s understandable. She did have a concussion just two days ago.
“You want to go to the nurse? She’ll probably have something for-”
“For now could you just stop talking?” Chloe snaps. I stop talking. Dammit. Why do I always have to be so annoying? Without saying anything I turn around and start walking to my next class. Chloe doesn’t stop me or ask me to wait. I’m almost disappointed.

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

9 okt, 2012 21:42



Jättebra! Lite sorgligt att det tagit så långt tid bara, och jag som inte ens har någon dator får skriva detta på iPaden, och jag suger verkligen på touch.. I vilket fall som helst. (Hehe.) jag vill se hur detta utvecklar sig. ^^

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

10 okt, 2012 22:15



Skrivet av Trezzan:
Jättebra! Lite sorgligt att det tagit så långt tid bara, och jag som inte ens har någon dator får skriva detta på iPaden, och jag suger verkligen på touch.. I vilket fall som helst. (Hehe.) jag vill se hur detta utvecklar sig. ^^
jo jag vet, jag har verkligen varit jätte dålig på att uppdatera men jag SKA bli bättre. ♥ tack för att du fortfarande läser!

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

11 okt, 2012 07:39



Jag är också kvar, och oerhört glad över det nya kapitlet. Borde i och för sig ha sparat det, har utvecklingssamtal (Kvartssantal, eupsamtal...) imorgon, att läsa en bra text (Och russin XD) gör mig lugn(are).

11 okt, 2012 21:17



Hejsan alla som fortfarande läser, om det finns några kvar.
Jag har inte varit inne på super länge. Anledningarna är att jag har skola, har varit sjuk, har haft mycket att tänka på, har vänner som jag vill hänga med och det har helt enkelt inte funnits tid till att vara inne på Mugglis. Om det fortfarande är folk som läser så fortsätter jag skriva eftersom jag har rätt många ideer som jag gärna vill skriva ner på båda mina noveller och min FanFic. Så om ni fortfarande är intresserade av att läsa det jag skriver så ska jag göra mitt yttersta till att inte göra er besvikna. Ännu en gång! FÖRLÅT!!! Men ni ska veta att jag är otroligt sugen på att fortsätta skriva.
Älskar er!

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

27 jan, 2013 22:43



Jag vill gärna läsa mer! :3


28 jan, 2013 09:49



Okej, ett nytt kapitel på typ tusen år... haha, jag ska bara ge lite info om kapitlet. Det här kapitlet kan verka väldigt oorganiserat. Det är för att det ska vara så också. Ni vet när man har så mycket att tänka på att man inte riktigt vet vad man vill tänka på? Det är så som både Chloe och Eric känner sig just nu
Tack och hej för mig!

My head feels like it’s going to burst. I close my eyes but I can still see Eric’s retreating back. Geez! Why does he make me feel so guilty? I just helped him didn’t I? I’m not the one who should find it painful!
“Idiot.” I whisper. I’m not sure whom I’m calling an idiot. It’s either that guy who was freaking out because Eric missed a score, Eric or myself.
“Chloe? Are you alright?” I suddenly hear a girl say. My eyes fly open. It’s that girl… Sophie?
“Yeah, I’m just fine.” She frowns
“You sure don’t look fine.” She looks at me with concern in her eyes and tilts her head a little. I almost laugh when I notice that she has pigtails in her hair. That’s something that I haven’t seen someone my own age wear in a very long time. Her curly golden hair plus the pigtails makes her look extremely childish. “Does your head hurt?” she asks.
“No, not… not that much.” I lie. She sticks out her lower lip and pouts. If I thought she looked childish before it was nothing compared to this.
“Liar.” She says, “let’s go to the nurse. She’ll have something.” Then she grabs my hand and pulls me with her. I can’t find the strength to struggle out of her grip so I just follow. As we make our way through the corridor towards the nurse’s office I can see a bunch of people staring at Sophie and I. Well it probably must seem very strange. She’s pretty much the opposite of me. I smile a little. It’s nice of her to care, even if she cares in a very annoying way. Suddenly I see someone staring at me out of the corner of my eye, more intensely than the rest of the students. I turn around and see Eric. He looks annoyed and hurt. And for some reason I feel guilty. I’m not sure why. I’m just walking to the nurse. I shouldn’t feel guilty for doing that, should I? No I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t. Still. When he looks at me like that I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something bad that could be hurting him. But why should I even care about that! If he’s that sensitive then that’s his problem! I’m not doing anything wrong and it’s none of his business what I do, even if it hurts him…
Even if that’s what I’m thinking to myself as I demonstratively turn my head away and walk even faster than before, I can still feel a sharp throb in my chest every time I think of the fact that I might’ve hurt Eric’s feelings.

Since when are Chloe and Sophie that close? They’re both walking towards the nurse and Chloe is holding onto Sophie’s hand and she’s smiling. Sophie looks happy too. She and Sophie has hardly talked since she came here. So how come she went with Sophie but asked me to leave? I turn around not wanting to look at them anymore. It’s not like I have a right to be jealous. We weren’t really friends anyway. And Chloe can hang out with whomever she wants… but even as I’m telling myself this I can’t help but wonder why she wouldn’t go with me. I’m walking around the hallways without a destination. Why the hell am I so hurt? It’s not like we’re friends. It was just me thinking that we were becoming closer. But she obviously thought I was just really annoying. If you think about it Sophie might have just been pushing herself onto Chloe. To me it seems like Chloe just doesn’t really want friends. Besides Sophie does have a habit of meddling with other peoples business. So she might have forced Chloe to come with her to the nurse. I would never dare to do that… Then again, Chloe was smiling.
“Dammit!” I whisper and bang my fist into some lockers. Some girls walking past almost shriek and start walking a whole lot quicker. Geez! It’s not like I killed someone. My fist throbs and I regret punching the locker. It was really unnecessary. Suddenly I realize the hallways are getting less crowded. Actually they’re almost empty. Huh? What in the…? “Crap.” I mumble when I suddenly realize I’m five minutes late for Math.
Dammit Chloe. Why are you suddenly the only thing on my mind?

ÄLSKAR KRITIK! bara så att alla vet!

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

28 jan, 2013 15:42

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