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What hurts more than when someone forgets? {Eng} PG

Forum > Kreativitet > What hurts more than when someone forgets? {Eng} PG

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10 aug, 2012 00:17



Åh herre gud vilken bra novell. Alltså, jag brukar alltid ha så många ord att kunna säga, men det enda jag kan säga är att jag är ordlös, och att storyn är så bra att man blir fäst redan efter andra kapitlet, det är som en bok. Och att de kapitel du skrivit redan är första kapitlet.
I love this, och enda anledningen att jag inte bara bevakar såhär mitt i natten är för att jag verkligen vill ha en fortsättning, och därför skrev jag denna halft långa kommentaren. Än en gång, du skriver otroligt bra, några fel på engelskan bara, t.ex i tredje kapitlet så står det "This is a quiet big school." Quiet betyder ju tyst och tror du menade quite* ;D annars har jag inget att klaga på, och jag förbarmar mig att ens klaga över det. Jaja, du ska veta att du skriver gudalikt och jag sitter spänt och längtar efter en fortsättning. Bevakar stoooort!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

10 aug, 2012 04:22



Skrivet av Trezzan:
Åh herre gud vilken bra novell. Alltså, jag brukar alltid ha så många ord att kunna säga, men det enda jag kan säga är att jag är ordlös, och att storyn är så bra att man blir fäst redan efter andra kapitlet, det är som en bok. Och att de kapitel du skrivit redan är första kapitlet.
I love this, och enda anledningen att jag inte bara bevakar såhär mitt i natten är för att jag verkligen vill ha en fortsättning, och därför skrev jag denna halft långa kommentaren. Än en gång, du skriver otroligt bra, några fel på engelskan bara, t.ex i tredje kapitlet så står det "This is a quiet big school." Quiet betyder ju tyst och tror du menade quite* ;D annars har jag inget att klaga på, och jag förbarmar mig att ens klaga över det. Jaja, du ska veta att du skriver gudalikt och jag sitter spänt och längtar efter en fortsättning. Bevakar stoooort!
tack såååå mycket! Det är jätte kul att du gillar den! Blir så himla glad när jag får såna fina kommentarer! Jo, det ska vara 'quite' och inte 'quiet'... blir ju så klart lite slarv misstag då och då men det är bra att någon då pekar ut det.
Det kommer en fortsättning jätte snart, bara för att jag blir så glad av kommentarer

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

10 aug, 2012 10:26




10 aug, 2012 10:29



Skrivet av Ginny4ever:
Skrivet av Trezzan:
Åh herre gud vilken bra novell. Alltså, jag brukar alltid ha så många ord att kunna säga, men det enda jag kan säga är att jag är ordlös, och att storyn är så bra att man blir fäst redan efter andra kapitlet, det är som en bok. Och att de kapitel du skrivit redan är första kapitlet.
I love this, och enda anledningen att jag inte bara bevakar såhär mitt i natten är för att jag verkligen vill ha en fortsättning, och därför skrev jag denna halft långa kommentaren. Än en gång, du skriver otroligt bra, några fel på engelskan bara, t.ex i tredje kapitlet så står det "This is a quiet big school." Quiet betyder ju tyst och tror du menade quite* ;D annars har jag inget att klaga på, och jag förbarmar mig att ens klaga över det. Jaja, du ska veta att du skriver gudalikt och jag sitter spänt och längtar efter en fortsättning. Bevakar stoooort!
tack såååå mycket! Det är jätte kul att du gillar den! Blir så himla glad när jag får såna fina kommentarer! Jo, det ska vara 'quite' och inte 'quiet'... blir ju så klart lite slarv misstag då och då men det är bra att någon då pekar ut det.
Det kommer en fortsättning jätte snart, bara för att jag blir så glad av kommentarer

GRymt då kan jag läsa den när jag kommer hem från vårdcentralen

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

10 aug, 2012 11:14



Chapter 6
I’m in a hospital. A freakin’ hospital. Why? Because some idiot pulled away my chair while I was sitting down. Honestly. How much lamer can it get?
I only just woke up and got the story told to me. I hit my head on my desk when one of my classmates was going to do some stupid prank on me. I started bleeding from my head and I somehow got out of class. A boy came after me, they didn’t know whom, but I was sure it was Eric. He tried to get me to the nurse but eventually just called 911. The ambulance came, but not before I started hallucinating. Geez. I wonder what I said to Eric… But it doesn’t really matter, does it? What matters right now is that I lost a lot of blood, can’t go to school tomorrow and I have a huge bandage on my head. Mom and dad have agreed not to call the school or anything. My parents are great that way. If I say I’m fine, they’ll believe it. If I say I’m sick, they’ll believe it. At times this can be a good advantage. Not that I lie to them all the time or anything. But when I do, they believe me without questioning.
“You can go home today, but I’d like you to take it easy for a few days. You got a concussion, but it’s not too bad.”
“What does that mean? I can’t go to school even after tomorrow?” the doctor raises his eyebrows. Usually, I’m guessing, a kid would do anything not to go to school for a couple of days. “It’s just that I only just came to a new school and I don’t want to fall behind.” I continue.
“Well, it’s fine to go to school after tomorrow, but you’ll have to be very careful. Take it easy. Don’t do anything that might harm you the slightest bit. You may feel okay this second and dizzy the next. And if you do feel dizzy then sit down immediately.” I nod.
“Okay,” I say, “but do I really have to wear the bandage on my head?” the doctor smiles.
“I’m afraid so.” I sigh, but nod again.
“Well…” I turn to mom and dad, “What are we waiting for?” mom chuckles and dad rolls his eyes.
“That eager to get outside to do new dangerous things like horse back riding?” now it’s my turn to roll my eyes.
“Horse back riding isn’t that dangerous! And besides! You lost the bet.” I say triumphantly. Mom looks at dad suspiciously.
“What bet?” she says with her hands on her hips. I smile.
“Me and dad had a bet when I first started horse back riding that the first reason I’d be sent to the hospital for would be because of a horse!” Dad had never liked the fact that I started horse back riding… and he had tried to scare me from going to the stables.
“Ian…” mom says.
“I was only kidding.” He turns to me, “but how in the world do you remember that? It was three years ago!”
“To be able to claim my prize!” I exclaim, “Do you remember what that was?” I say teasingly…
“Oh no…”
“Oh yes…”
“Should I be worried?” mom asks with a frown on her face.
“Nope, but dad definitely should!”

“Do you want to stay home today, sweetie?” mom says at the breakfast table with a worried look on her face. She’s convinced that I’m traumatized for life… and maybe I am. I’m about to say ‘yes, I think I should’ when dad says.
“The boy already stayed home yesterday. He doesn’t need more than a day of rest.”
“I wasn’t asking you! Let him answer for himself!”
“He’s fine!” dad says frustrated.
“How do you know? Can you read his mind?”
Now they’re at it again. They always fight… and it’s because of me like usual.
“No but I know how he feels. He’s my son!” Dad shouts angrily.
No you don’t. I think to myself.
“So you’re saying he’s not my child at all then?” mom shouts back.
“That’s not what I said!”
“That’s exactly what you said!”
“Lower your voice.” Dad says.
“You know, I think I will go to school.” I say and stand up from the breakfast table. Neither of them notices. I grab my backpack and walk out the door. Closing it quickly hoping none of the neighbors will hear the racket they’re making. Why do they have to do this? Why are they always fighting over every little thing concerning me? They don’t fight about anything else! Once dad broke moms favorite vase.
“It’s okay I’ll buy another one.” Was all she said! But if either of them says the tiniest thing concerning me they’re onto each other in a matter of seconds. As I get closer to school I see a girl walk past me. She’s got baggy jeans and a hoody. Chloe.
“Chloe!” I say. I try to keep up with her. She doesn’t turn around. “Chloe wait!” I can hear her sigh. She stops.
“Are you feeling bette… oh!” She has a big bandage wrapped around her head. I regret reacting as soon as I see her face. She looks angry.
“Yes! I’m feeling better. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be going to school would I?” she snaps. I stand there, mouth open, not sure what to say. She begins to walk away. Then I remember. Miss Lana gave me Chloe’s phone so I could give it to her when she came back.
“Wait Chloe, I have your phone!” She looks at me. Then holds out her hand. When I don’t move she says frustrated,
“Well? Could I have it?” I blink a few times then dig my hands into my pocket.
“Here.” I say. I’m disappointed. I thought that maybe now we could talk and possibly become friends. But she seems to be set on cutting off all attempts for conversation. She takes her phone and I don’t say anything else. I just brush past her. I’m angry with her now. She could at least have said thank you…

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

10 aug, 2012 13:35




10 aug, 2012 13:36




10 aug, 2012 14:06



Helt otroligt bra, du får ursäkta att kommentaren kommer så sent, somnade och har vaknat med världens jävligaste öra som gör jätteont så jag låter väl sur också. :c

Alltså, som vanligt vet jag inte vad jag ska säga, mer än jag tror att Chloe kommer överanstränga sig genom att hjälpa Eric. x_x ♥

Du skriver wooooooooonderful!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

10 aug, 2012 22:16



“Crap. Crap. Crap.” I whisper to myself. As I see Eric walk away I feel extremely guilty. He looks so damn miserable… And before I know it I’m running up to him.
“Wait I’m sorry!” He turns around looking surprised.
“Don’t be.” He says.
“No, really. I mean I must’ve put you through hell when I was bleeding through my head.” I say.
“No, it’s fine. Really.“
“No it’s not. I’m sorry and thank you. Thank you, both for taking care of me, calling an ambulance and for giving me my phone.” He shrugs.
“You’re welcome, and honestly it wasn’t that bad.” I raise my eyebrows.
“Really? Because from what I heard I started hallucinating…” he laughs.
“It wasn’t really hallucinating. You were just talking about random things…”
“Reciting poems perhaps?” I ask.
“Yeah, you remember?”
“Just a little… ‘Grey eyes.’” I say. He blushes for some reason; I decide to change the subject. “Anyway. What class do you have first thing?”
“P.E.” he says.
“Me too. Then you can show me the way to the sports hall, right?” He nods.
“Sure.” We start walking towards the school again.
“Ehm… How was school yesterday?” I ask. I realize now that Carl probably gave him a hard time again.
“I wasn’t here yesterday.” He says.
“Oh.” When we get inside the school building I hear whispering behind me and I feel people staring at me. I give a few girls who had the guts to actually point me out for their friend the finger. “Honestly. Don’t they have anything better to do?” Eric doesn’t answer. He’s very shy.
“The sports hall is right over there,” he points towards a red door.
“Okay, where are the changing rooms?”
“You walk through that door and to the right. You can’t miss it.” Huh… it sounds as though he’s not coming…
“Thanks.” He smiles a little then starts walking in the opposite direction.
“Wait? Didn’t you have P.E. too?”
“Eh… yeah… but… um…” His cheeks are flushed and he seems embarrassed. “Um… I usually change in the bathrooms…” He looks down at his feet, not meeting my eyes. That’s not too weird… I think to myself, why was he so embarrassed about that?
“Okay. I’ll see you later.” I just say and start walking towards the sports hall.

Okej, skit kort och inte så bra som jag hade velat (säger inte att det var dåligt.) Men jag kände att jag veeerkligen var tvungen att uppdatera nu då jag inte gjort det på länge.

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

29 aug, 2012 22:16

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