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Punishment and Perfection - The Millson Murder [ENG]

Forum > Kreativitet > Punishment and Perfection - The Millson Murder [ENG]

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Namn: Punishment and Perfection - The Rose Death
Av: MissBellatrix
Språk: Engelska
Handling: Läs första kapitlet så fattar ni

Chapter 1

Lady Charlotte had sent a letter early in the morning to her friend Lady Margaret.
Margaret knew of course why Charlotte wanted her to come over.
During the night Charlotte's only child had disappeared without a trace.
Margaret was a detective, not officially, since women didn't work.
But, she did solve mysteries, but lived on the money she had gotten from her parents when they died.
She lived a very nice life in south of London, in Opal Castle.
She was 24, but had neither husband, or children, which was very unusual at this time.
"Where'd ya like to go?" grunted the man leading the surrey.
"Millson Mansion." she answered shortly.
He grunted something to the horse and they were of.

Millson Mansion was very beautiful, with an amazing garden.
People always said that God kept a good eye on them,
but it looked like God had closed his eyes for the Millson's this time.
Charlotte was already standing next to the gates,
her eyes red and teary.
Margaret quickly pay the man and ran to greet Charlotte.
Margaret was expecting some big talk about the lost daughter,
but was surprised.
Charlotte didn't seem to want to talk about it,
instead she took Margaret for a walk in the garden.
Suddenly came a very nice-looking man out from the Mansion.
" Charlotte, who is that?" Margaret asked, without taking her eyes of him.
Charlotte dried her eyes quickly.
" Olof Darksing, he's an old family friend, he and a couple others had stayed at our mansion for a couple of days."
Margaret made a mental note to ask more about the guests.
" Hello my Ladies! My name is Olof Darksing, it's very nice to meet you!"
Olof took Margaret's hand and kissed it lightly.
Margaret couldn't hide a blush.
He was wearing a striking black smoking with a tiny red rose in his breast pocket.
" My name is Lady Charlotte of Opal, it's nice to meet you too." she said and tried to sound as neutral as she could. But she could feel she was not doing such a good job.
" I need to use the restroom, so if you excuse me." he said and left.
"That's a piece of some really tasty man-candy..." Margaret couldn't help but mutter.
Luckily, Charlotte didn't seem to notice.
Charlotte and Margaret kept walking.

Margaret had noticed that Olof had gotten outside again and was talking to another man.
She felt a sting of jealousy in her heart, that she was not the one talking to him.
Suddenly Charlotte stopped frozen, in front of the biggest rose bush in the garden.
" This was her favorite hiding spot." Charlotte said quietly.
Margaret understood that she was talking about the little girl.
" And she only turned 3!" she said and started crying.
She hulked and cried and fell onto her knees.
And then she screamed.
Because under the bush, there was a human body.
It was Charlotte's daughter,


Ska jag fortsätta?

Hey there. You come here often?

7 jan, 2013 16:21

Miss Black


Gör det!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m658fb3p6C1qg3g8c.gif Min bokblogg

8 jan, 2013 15:41

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